Evaluations that empower your family with knowledge and tools

Evaluations that empower your family with knowledge and tools

Our Professional Fees

Delivering a Personalized Experience to Every Family

To ensure the highest quality of service, Dr. Webb deliberately limits the number of families she accepts each month, adopting a concierge-style approach to deliver excellent services tailored to the individual needs of each child and family.

Dr. Webb provides a prompt, concierge approach without additional fees, recognizing the overwhelming nature of diagnosis and treatment for families.

Insurance Information

It’s important to note that some referral concerns may not be covered by insurance (e.g., learning disorder evaluations). Parents are encouraged to contact their insurance carrier prior to the start of services to clarify whether out-of-network benefits for psychological and neuropsychological testing are available as part of their plan.

  • In an effort to provide the best quality care, Dr. Webb does not contract with any insurance carriers at this time. Insurance companies are increasingly influencing the tests provided and placing restrictions on the number of hours or sessions allowed. This can result in a more screening-oriented evaluation approach and a condensed final report, potentially not offering a complete understanding of your child's strengths and challenges nor addressing your questions adequately. Webb Psychological Services is an out of network provider, which means that we do not bill insurance directly.

Dr. Webb routinely collaborates with medical care providers, educators, coaches, therapists, and parents to offer a comprehensive and thorough assessment and treatment for your child.

Professional Fees

Evaluations are offered at a flat fee of $3,500. This includes the parent intake, up to 8 hours of in-person individual testing, test scoring, data interpretation, review of records, consultation with other providers, and a feedback session.

  • Most assessments require approximately 9 to 11 face-to-face hours (intake, testing, feedback) and anywhere from 10 to 15 hours of non-face to face hours (interpretation, writing, consultation).

    Dr. Webb will provide you with a Statement of Services to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement at the conclusion of services. Most families receive 30-100% reimbursement, although this varies greatly on each insurance carrier, specific plan, and other factors.

Questions and Answers

  • Your child’s score profiles will be compared to children of similar ages across the United States and provide you with a profile of strengths and areas of vulnerable development. Different patterns of strengths and areas of growth can aid in identifying a diagnosis. Testing is also helpful in ruling out conditions that do not apply allowing for targeted recommendations. Testing can provide a baseline against which to measure the outcome of treatment or your child’s development over time. Most importantly, testing provides a better understanding of the child’s behavior and learning in school, at home, and in the community. Evaluations are frequently utilized by learning support staff in academic settings, teachers, therapists, and other providers to inform their work with your child.

  • A standardized test is a test that is administered and scored in a consistent manner. These tests are designed in such a way that all questions, test materials, and testing conditions (e.g. in a quiet room, at a desk with a specific distance between examinee and examiner, use of the same wording of questions) are the same across administrations. One must possess specific professional credentials to purchase, administer, utilize, and interpret standardized psychological and neuropsychological tests.

  • Unlike subjective evaluations, psychological and neuropsychological testing involves a variety of objective tests measuring emotional, behavioral, developmental, intellectual, neuro-cognitive, and academic functioning. A psychologist selects a tailored "test battery" based on specific concerns, providing a reliable, empirically-supported, comprehensive understanding of the child's current functioning. The process involves age-specific standardized tests over several days, in addition to questionnaires and interviews with both the parent(s) and young adult. In contrast, other evaluations rely on subjective observation or solely what the parent(s) and child report.

  • At this time, Dr. Webb is considered an “out of network” provider for all insurances and does not bill insurance companies directly. She will gladly provide a Superbill for rendered services for you to provide to your insurance for reimbursement.

  • School based assessments can often be incredibly helpful to parents in understanding their child’s learning needs. The goal of most school based assessment (often referred to as psychoeducational assessments) is to determine whether a child qualifies for special education or intervention. School based evaluations rarely provide a diagnosis or examine other factors which may contribute to a child’s difficulties at school (e.g., emotional concerns, mood dysregulation, memory, executive dysfunction). However, in many situations, a school based evaluation may suffice and meet the child’s needs for additional support. If your child has had an evaluation at school yet you hope to learn more about their needs, it is always helpful for Dr. Webb to review prior school based testing to inform the evaluation with your child.

  • While Dr. Webb is happy to receive records from your child’s pediatrician, a formal referral is not required.

  • Many parents feel a degree of apprehension in how to broach the subject of an assessment with their child; however, this process does not need to be scary. It may be helpful to discuss with your child that each brain is unique with its own areas of strength and areas of growth. Consider discussing the assessment process through a lens of curiosity, and involve the child in coming up with their own questions about their brain to be shared with Dr. Webb at the testing appointment. The testing days will consist of activities which help Dr. Webb better understand your child’s unique brain. Some of these tasks include working on iPads, solving puzzles, working with blocks, answering questions, reading, writing, math, drawing, etc. Prepare your child for the testing appointments by letting them know that although some of the things we do together may be tricky, the most important thing is for them to try their best.

  • At this time, Dr. Webb does not conduct evaluation with a sole focus on Autism Spectrum Disorders (e.g., pervasive developmental disorders). If this is a service you are in need of, please connect with OHSU’s Child Developmental and Rehabilitation Center.